About the Növis Oil 6 Dermatologist Study
Results from an Independent Dermatologist Study on Növis Oil 6.
Over a four week period an independent dermatologist tested the product and its cosmetic efficacy on ten volunteers with skin graded as having acne with moderate severity. Following a skin consultation where skin was assessed using a range of techniques, volunteers were instructed to apply the product twice per day using four drops on the forehead and three to four drops on each cheek area. Volunteers were instructed to continue use in the event that more pimples appeared in the first few days of use, due to the nature of the product which speeds up the development of pimples to enable faster healing. After four weeks the Dermatologist carried out the same assessments to record difference and improvement to the skin grade.
How to use
With two Növis Oil applications each day you’ll be well on your way to your best skin in just ten days
• Apply a generous amount to cleansed skin both morning and night.
• Distribute using clean hands and let it soak in.
• Recommended usage amount for maximum results: four drops for the forehead area and three to four drops on each cheek area. When it comes to Növis Oil, there’s no such thing as too much! For faster results saturate the skin until it looks wet and leave it to soak in.
• You may experience a ‘skin purge’ in your first few days of use. This is completely normal and a natural part of the Növis Oil process as the product works to accelerate the lifecycle of spots, enabling them to surface and heal faster.
How it works
Contrary to popular belief, spots don’t just appear. By the time a pimple is visible to the human eye, it’s been developing under the skin for a while. Thanks to the healing properties in Növis Oil’s proprietary blend, two applications of the product per day accelerates the lifecycle of a spot, encouraging it to surface earlier and heal quicker.
Thanks to the vitamins and amino-rich acids naturally occurring in Növis Oil’s proprietary blend, this powerful solution boosts overall skin health. With continued daily use the product promotes radiance and glow, targets signs of ageing, evens out skin tone, minimises scarring and reduces the frequency of breakouts.
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